Guest Post+Giveaway: Moscow Nights by R.W. Buxton

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Moscow Nights

An urban fantasy/paranormal romance by R.W. Buxton
cover of Moscow Nights by R.W. Buxton

Erin is desperate to save Gerry from shadowy forces that would do anything to prevent him from fulfilling the prophecy. But when she arrives, he’s with another woman and the worst thing is it’s Tina, his former partner at the FBI.

Can she convince him the threat is real, and not just to him, but Mary his young daughter.

Halfway around the world ominous figures hiding in the night plan the unthinkable and Gerry is the only one that can stop them. The threat is genuine but will he believe her? Will he believe in the prophecy?

Erin must face her own past, a past she thought was over. It opens old wounds that send her careening on a path of destruction. Can she overcome them in time to save Gerry or will she lose everything because of a deep-rooted hurt that can’t be healed?

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“How am I a threat? I didn’t even know about any of this.” Gerry turned his palms upward in his lap.

“First, he knows of you and found you, the reason we had to flee, but he has set himself up as the one to fulfill the prophecy. It’s simple, there can’t be anyone to threaten his position.”

“So, what, we’re going to just meet with him and tell him I’m not who he thinks I am?”

“It’s more complicated than that.” Erin looked over her shoulder at Mary, already asleep despite her claim, curled up in the large tan leather seat. She looked back at Gerry. “You already have a huge base of supporters, and he can’t have that. He wants complete control.”


“But there’s even more. He wants to bring us out of the shadows of night and enslave humanity. He’s perverted the prophecy. His idea of saving our race is to destroy humanity, which would ultimately destroy us. The true savior will save us from destruction, his destruction.”

Gerry blew through his teeth, making a small whistling noise. “So what you’re saying is we have to find this guy and destroy him before he kills me?”

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Guest Post: Any special writing rituals or locations that really help you get words down?

When it comes to writing novels, there are a few things I do routinely. The first is to make a fresh cup of coffee. Coffee is critical in the writing process. Not just as you may think, to stay awake. I find if I stop to take a sip every few paragraphs, it gives me a few seconds to reflect on what I’ve just written. It’s a natural way to slow down. Write, sip, think, that’s my mantra.

The second thing I like to do after I sit down is to read back through the last few pages. It’s a great way to get back in the groove. See what the tone was of those paragraphs and remind myself of where I’m going. I also scan the note card I’ve written for the scene to make sure I know what it’s about.

The last thing that comes under the ritual category is envisioning where I’m going to go. After I read through the last page, I close my eyes and try to connect where I was with where I want to go. The hardest part is writing the first sentence when you start after a break. It doesn’t seem to matter if the break is only ten minutes or two days, I always find it a challenge to get started.

Once I’ve written that first sentence then I’m in the write, sip, think groove.

I don’t think I’m like most authors when it comes to where I write. Maybe it’s the stereotypical images I have of authors. I’ve always loved the thought of writing in a coffee shop. But every time I’ve tried, I get very little done. People I know come by and talk, or there are loud conversations that I can’t block out. So even with a steady supply of great black coffee it just doesn’t work.

The idea of writing in a nice study with a dark wood desk also seems appealing, and while I have one of those in my home, I can’t write there. It seems contrived, to be honest, like work. Although, thanks to Covid, I couldn’t write there if I wanted. It’s now my wife’s office while she works from home.

So given those issues, I write in the family room in my favorite recliner. Don’t think one of those big overstuffed recliners that look like a recliner. It’s cleverly designed to look like a normal chair. This works great. I’ve got my feet up, the laptop on my lap, my coffee on the table next to me, and I’m all set to go. Sounds perfect, right? But there are drawbacks. The most dangerous is if I lay my head back while I’m thinking about what to write next. Boom, I’m asleep and an hour has passed. The other major issue is my cats. They can be nowhere around, but as soon as I sit down and pick up the laptop there they are. They jump up, and two of them have learned how to close the laptop by pushing it with their head. So instead of writing, I end up holding a sleeping cat.

Even as I write this, the worst offender has just jumped up and wants to lie down. But I love those furry creatures, so it’s okay.

Sort of related to rituals is when I write. I try to do it first thing in the morning. Usually around 5:30 or 6:00 before anyone gets up. I’m a morning person and that’s what works for me. I will sometimes write in the evening if a great idea hits me during the day. But the issue for me at night is the falling asleep thing. It happens all too often.

One last thought about rituals is simply the act of writing. Make it a habit. You have to write to get to the end. Having just said that though, if I sit down with the laptop, which I do every morning, and read through the last page and I’ve got nothing to write, I don’t. This doesn’t happen very often. But I’m not one to say you have to force yourself to write. It’s an act I enjoy, and if I’m forcing myself to do it, it’s no longer fun. One of the easiest ways I’ve found to keep myself going to prevent those days is to create an outline and complete plot before I even start a novel. That makes it far easier to keep going because I know where I want to go. Knowing where you’re going makes getting there much easier.

About R.W. Buxton

R.W. Buxton author image

I love a good paranormal read, something about the un-dead haunts the fringes of my mind. Mix in romance, love, loss, and you have a great story.

I voraciously read everything, fiction, and non-fiction but always find myself turning back to the darker stories. I’ve always wanted to write and the dream became a reality with Capital Thirst, and the remainder of the Erin Kingsly novels.

I spend most of my days designing and building websites, but my free time is devoted to my wife, family, and cats. Yes three grown children and three cats. Things can be hectic.

For fun you might find me driving winding roads with the top down or out photographing nature.

Find R.W. online:
-Author Goodreads
-Capital Thirst on Goodreads


R.W. Buxton will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Thank you for hosting today. Unfortunately, the author is unexpectedly unavailable and will comment as soon as he's able.

  2. Thank you so much for hosting me today. I am so excited to share a little about myself and my book, Moscow Nights, today.

    For those visiting the post today, please feel free to leave comments or ask questions. I may be a little slow responding as I have had some unexpected events come up, but I will before the end of the day.

    RW Buxton

  3. Replies
    1. Rita,

      Thanks for stopping by. I know I'm partial, but I think you would probably enjoy it. It's an enjoyable story.

      RW Buxton

  4. Replies
    1. Victoria, thanks so much. It's the work of Fiona Jade, she's very talented.

  5. Replies
    1. I'm an avid photographer and love to walk through local parks taking pictures. I also spend the warmer months going on drives with my car club. Taking on a windy back road is a great way to relax. Especially with the top down.

  6. Replies
    1. Getting older. Not so much the death part of it, but everything becomes far more of an effort. I have a way to go before it's an issue, but something that at the very least worries me.

  7. Replies
    1. Now that my children are grown, seeing them doing their own things and succeeding brings me more happiness that you can imagine.


    1. I read anywhere and everywhere. I wouldn't say I have a favorite place though, as long as it's quiet, I'm set to go.

  9. Replies
    1. I read a lot, and it ranges. I love a good murder mystery, cozies are the best but I also love a good procedural. I read a lot of urban fantasy, similar to what I write and even some paranormal romance. I also love to read the old classics. The writing style is so different from modern writing but the stories are amazing.

  10. Love the style of the book cover.

  11. Hope your book sells millions of copies.

    1. Wouldn't that be wonderful. I just hope I can bring a little entertainment to the lives of those that read it. Knowing people enjoy it would make me far wealthier.

  12. This sounds very suspenseful! Good luck!

    1. Thank you. There is suspense, intrigue, fun, and of course romance.


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