Review: Prove It: Murder in the Mix by Hannah R. Kurz

Prove It: Murder in the Mix

A cozy mystery by Hannah R. Kurz
cover of Prove It Murder in the Mix by Hannah R. Kurz

When a tragic mixer mishap results in the closing of a beloved bakery, new mom and upstairs neighbor Stephanie Wu is sure of two things: One, she misses their cappuccinos. And two, it was no accident. But time is running out for the sleep-deprived sleuth. Can she solve the murder and figure out pumping before her maternity leave is up? With a baby at her breast and a killer at her back, life and living above The Likable Daisy will never be the same again.

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I love a good cozy, so when I got the chance to review this, I snagged it. A new mom living above a bakery (did someone say bakery?) and a killer on the loose? What could go wrong?

Lots, but I probably didn’t need to tell you that. The suspects are many, and despite the fact the victim was the nicest guy anyone ever met, they all have a potential motive for killing him. It made for some interesting guessing. Why would anyone want this person dead? The journey was full of character exploration, family dynamics, and adorable baby moments. I’m not a mom myself, but that didn’t stop me from feeling all the “new mom” feels. Kurz does a superb job of bringing the wonder, terror, and joy of realizing you’re responsible for a lifeform to the page. I don’t ever remember reading a “new mom” detective, so this was new and neat for me.

While the characterization was wonderful, the story itself left me a bit confused. I didn’t feel like I got quite enough clues and red herrings to do my own investigating. Don’t get me wrong. I love when the killer isn’t who I expect, but I didn’t really get to expect anyone. The ending wrapped everything up, but it felt rushed. The main character detailed how she knew who the killer was and brought in information I didn’t remember reading before. The buildup didn’t bring enough, and the resolve brought too much. Balancing them out would have helped.

I noticed some missing words and other small mistakes. For the most part, they didn’t bother me, but it was just enough to pull me out of the story wondering if I misread something. Overall, I found this to be both fun and heartwarming. Recommend to cozy fans.

About Hannah R. Kurz

longtime lover of cozy mysteries, Hannah decided one day to indulge in the fantasy of killing off her own fictional characters. As it turns out, it's really fun. Her first book Prove It: Murder In The Mix is the premier novel in A Likable Daisy Mystery Series. When not axing imaginary people in cold blood, she's usually busy taking care of her two delightful daughters or indulging in another favorite pastime, baking.

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